Friday, October 2, 2020

I can't wait, or A painful vote



For that tidal wave to pass

And the elections to declare a 


I can't wait.

What can I do?

Hibernate for 3 days, 30  or 300 days?

Drink myself into a haze?

Or on my sandwich, spread some 

Extra Russian mayonnaise?

I can't wait.

Of course, seriously speaking, 

Let me spend this remaining time

Before the elections

Spending much more than a dime

Buying more than 

All that is sublime.

I wish to run myself

Into the depths of a rabbit hole

Than no rabbit has seen before

I wish to occupy my neurons

By E-spending so much on Amazon that

Delivery vans will line up for miles around my house.

Surely my wife and children will offer me 

Mediation crash courses and

Herbal tea remedies to

Moderate my spending spree that is

Only putting the family in danger.

Surely they will say: 

"Win or lose, red or blue,

Stop acting like a teenager!"

But today my heart feels the tension

Of a land rupturing from coast to coast

It is a witches brew that could have come from

The hand of Shakespeare

"Double double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble."

There is no doubt there will be trouble

Yet I am not strong enough to

Beat back the snake that is strangling

My country

Tis of thee.

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