Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Elephant Crossing the Alps

It had only 3 legs but preferred to hop on


Before it lay the Alps and

Snow reflecting the blazing sun.

Hop, hop, hop

The elephant had to hop

Flop, flop, flop 

Went young climbers in their flip-flops 

Pretending to be detectives

Working on directives 

Of the Pope and the Nation

And Twitter's agitation

To bring it back to the Vatican.

Without a peanut or clump of grass

The nameless elephant hopped towards 

The Mont Blanc

Approaching the Aiguille Trè la Tête

A mouse scurried down from

The glacier of Bionnassay

At 2760 meters the rodent slid down at increasing

Speed and

Slammed itself into the 

One hopping leg of the elephant with no name.

There was a "woosh" and a "smoosh" 

The terrified beast slipped and fell

The glacier went "crack" and

The elephant exclaimed "This is wack!"

And the mouse's brains exited like 

An eggshell.

Going with the flow 

The elephant whizzed down and veered 

Towards France and arrived

Celebrated as a hero 

In Chamonix.

The mayor invited it for a beer

Rich in malt and hops

And said "Crossing the Alps was tops"

One could also hear


From bottles of Champagne

Such a feat hadn't taken place since


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