Saturday, November 16, 2024

Come Catch Chaos *


It's not in my sauce

A posse

Who thinks Chaos is a toss?

(The French would say, it's fausse)

For Camus to be absurd or chaotic was a toss

Fractals, the butterfly effect

(How a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can

Cause a tornado in Texas)

Chaotic, absurd, surreal?

When a person of such leanings is considered a


One has to adjust the parameters in a non-linear system 

To instill "hyper-jerk" conditions.

The posse of an entertainer trekking across

Icelandic Moss

Wearing from head to toe

Hugo Boss

This is before WWI

When bloody apple sauce filled the trenches

And the Red Cross was just a tick under the skin


They, are always in my thoughts

So I take a crayon in a cow house and draw

1/2 Pie RCĀµ

According to Berkhoff, Kolmogorov, Cartwright and Littlewood,

A jerk can only be turbulent in fluid motion

Yet when in non-periodic oscillation with radio circuits

The subject withstands what is sub-understood

If you think and earthquake is chaotic then

Try to eat a Mars bar with organic Ginsing,

Then walk on a tightrope that on respective sides is held by

A Fascist and a Liberal

Stop in the middle of the walk and write a new Chaos Theory that

Involves shadow water equations, the "non-ripple" effect and the 

Brazilian butterfly effect that this time, creates a tornado in Alaska instead of


It may be possible to conclude that taking into account robotic passive walking dynamics 

Implying robots can walk and then walk some more

A topsy-turvy tumultuous knitting of a multicoloured Missoni yarn beyond 

34.42 km in length,

With no apparent structure

No sleeves or neck

Is a best seller 

For Consumer Digest.

*Elements of this poem are taken directly from the Theory of Chaos

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