But Back back back
I once tried taking a wheelbarrow to
Move memories
Forward only to see the
Tire looking flat.
Howz your back?
Back when
In a Frida Kahlo painting
Her broken back intact
Not an act for anyone toI enact
Today my crunched back flies with
The bats
And Rats
Cozy up to gnaw
On nerve endings
How sweet
In a forest an Alpha leader of a wolf pack
Howls and
Nearby fluttering bats squeak
Ultrasound waiting for
Echos to resound back
-No questions asked, if it's your snack.
Today I hear 39 taps
On the dark cold window pane
Dancing taps from white moths
Bouncing off my window
I stretch my neck like a flamingo
Remembering childhood fears of
Turning off all the lights.