Today in an exceptinonally good mood after the sub-prime crisis
plunged stocks better than my draino;
dipping most currencies execept for the Swiss franc
hence giving me an edge over the hedge of exchanges
monetary and bodily as they say
In this hearty heart mood with full stride
I thought I'd come to a rending conclusion:
I'd change my caddy of 13 years for a new one!
My caddy, my two wheeled chariot that I purchased upon taking residence in France
My caddy, whose handle is split and wrapped in duck tape
with its old blue and green vertical stripes and strings of vegetables
on the inside that have desormais
turned into a fine compost
I was ready to jetson
So into two or three stores it followed me (as usual)
the saleshelp was curteous "was it for a friend?"
one inquired and I smiled explaining how this caddy and I went back
back to before my marriage
back to the time of essentials when
another market or marché was synonymous with being;
when my contact with vendors, with the fresh produce of the day
gave me an added urban joy
My caddy followed
always getting fuller
its little wheels never complaining as I rumped it over harsh curbs
the leek tails sticking out and shaking like bunny ears
as the bus number 79's suspension hissed on the way to Bastille
And today I was ready to rid me of my caddy!
another vendor said: "would you like this"
showing me the latest new-fangled designer model
with a pink coquettish cow emblasoned on it's side
I picked it up, it was light! " was it robust?"
I wondered and the vendor nodded sensing my thoughts
Then, I ran out, not for fear of a flimsy machine but of saying goodbye
Today I said au revoir to the deal of a lifetime
but my caddy still treads along my side.
Googleized by precious 5 cent-a-click ads
a new flourescent agrivirtual economy has sprouted:
throngs of migrant workers unknown toChina or India
have arrived
A sea of calloused minded techy individuals
ready and willing as alaskan goldrushersnow field onion,
leek and potato patches alikeas far as the eye can see
these foreign new fangled farmers
squatPC in lapand click on millions of ads to make an honest living.
Migrant 'mericans and their families hence
are returing to roots andbearing outdoor elements
clicking clicking amongst the worms
whump.com/moreLikeThis/2005/04/06/04179/ [whump.com]
YouTube - Stagecoach (1939) 4
Jan 13, 9:57am 1 review filmmaking, video •http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.youtube.com/watch%253Fv%253DUkVQTYtPGoE
YouTube - Stagecoach (1939) 4
Jan 13, 9:57am 1 review filmmaking, video •http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.youtube.com/watch%253Fv%253DUkVQTYtPGoE
this is one of the great stage coach chase scenes in Monument Valley. An interesting adaptation would be, at the last moment when they think they're done for -out of amo- and the calvery show up, to change that scene and have bicycle riders, skate boarders, pogo stick jumpers or speed walkers come to the rescue.
Together we could light up
cigarette and I
and share the counter ensemble
Together we could inhale themorning news
the prospect for a boulot
the comings and goings of Benoit
The smoke surrounded us like an egyptian veil
it gave us direction and punctuated time
our gests were as regular as menstruation:
the light, the flicker, the toke we exhaled
good and evil admist espresso, beer and wine
we exhaled woes and bewonderment
while la lune lay low and the stars
shined above
Yet today we are speechless without a butt
void of commeraderie to light one another's
hermetically stuck to our new patches
dans un espoir to alleviate nicotine fever
We are left to leaf today's dry paperlooking for something
our lips trembling beseech
le pourquoi maintenant?
implore to know why this oral void
hath befallen like a guillotine
why now?
pourquoi maintenant?
It's another phone booth towed away

It's 7 am, still twilightand before my bus stop
a lone phone booth makes its wayon a flatbed
rolling out of town
destination unkown
perhaps to a dump of lost communications
or to a place where they'll melt down its wires
All those years of upright intimacy
are gonetogether we could listen to the good
and bad newshappily crammed
as the city bustle brushed beside
insulated from wind and rain
the booth stood in all weather tall,
transparent and vulnerable
Now on its way out people look with little regret
could these silos be restored, recyled for other uses?
or shall we thank them and bid them goodbye!
greblog.net/grenoble/post/2006/10/25/302-cabine-telephonique-en-ville-un-se... [greblog.net]
Jan 4, 1:45pm
Following the cancellation of Paris-Dakar
Jan 4, 1:45pm
Following the cancellation of Paris-Dakar
Is Alkaida actually a terrorist organization disguised
as an ecological movement?
To look at the French papers many comments
show relief that it will be a year of less pollution and
less kids run over without this race.
But on the flip side the african nations involved get a piece of the cake:
lots of revenue is generated and cheap labour,
even degrading labour, is how many live.
Should the race be moved to Lybia or perhaps done in antartica with electric cars...
at least they'll be out of the way of political threats!
You Brits are on a rising star...
The Big Eye
Strung together like a bicycle wheellight and majestic,
spinning in perpetualslow motion
in regular hermetic knitting fashion
yarn twine cables
Yea passengers are projected high
above London's cityscape and
in this 30 minute time-released ride
hovering over Big Ben
We travelers now cosmonauts
are dancing with Hal in 2001
free and careless of all tinkering
informationdata nonesense and cellular distractions
that invades without will
just free
Together we soar to witness
a city's past,present and future
to accept what is ignored
Tis a monument of bliss and merriment
to be uninterrupted, at peace.
Dec 21, 2007 12:17pm
Today I went through 20 years of broken glass
Today I went through 20 years of broken glass
to get to a leak that was caused by the upstairs neighbor.
Apparently the former tenants either esteemed it painstaking to throw out thier bottles or
perhaps, it is the case of an alcoholic in hiding who,
in utmost discretion, drank away in the toilet and threw out the stuff in a shaft
that was wider than my body
And so on for years and years!
Mon corps, limited in pliability,
creeked cagily as I labouriously picked the glass
as an archeologist might the bones of some ancestor in the mongolian desert.
After 2 hours I was rewarded with the touch of sewage water on my finger tips.
Alas, my plumber -who was to large to enter the shaft-
lifted me out of there with a sure smile and the real work began.
Cow flatulance which is responsible of l.75% of all global warming has had scientists miffed as how to remedy this problem. However, recent findings that CO2 emmision free kangaroo farts can be transfered to cattle have more than a few ranchers smiling: australian cows are benefiting from a trail experiment where kangaroo genes are injected into thier intestines. The result is less odor and zero heat. These results are indeed so positive that other species are being considered and why not humans. It's time to get hoppity.
Dec 3, 2007 1:20pm
et encore ce cils sont couverts de sable, suis-je coupé du mondesur mon ilôt Galapogosien; rempli des petits êtres qui, comme dans Lord of the Flies essayent de vous manipuler de vous surprendre car leur but supreme c'est de conquerir et obtenir leur droit et le gérer àleur sort.je pourrai te racconter mon épisode planté dans les sables mouvantesun jeune tuer en serie m'a approcher pour brader avec ma vie maisc'était la fatigue, serial killer s'écrivait avec un C et dans mon état jevoyait le Cheerios, le Captain Crunch et le Crispies (qu'on écrit avec unK) peu importe j'était au bout des forces et je ne voulait pas mourir car jen'avait pas encore vu un Broadway musical! encore cette tourbion, le sable les enfants de l'evaporation dans tous les sensescar la nappe phréatique et loin -peut-être un milion d'années d'ici et j'avais évidement soif, soif pour connaître le cycle d'étudesavec des questions sur les consequances sur l'évaporation du Lemon Lakesur les mouches qui doivent cracher pour rendre plus liquide leur nouritureet entendre "bleeeeeeeuuuuuuuuurrrrk" a maintes reprises car on ne peut pasdissecter un ver de terre sans un "bleeeeeeeuuuuuuuuurrrk" au nom de l'aprenti,du père, la mère et Saint Darwin.
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