Monday, April 17, 2023

The Leak

Ancient Greeks said that Aristotle's Paradox was indeed a leak from Plato's theory of 

Universal Form

Despite the fact Aristotle's toga revealed a few drops here and there 

It was all he could bear 

Since the median path to Virtue 

Included insufficiency and mastery

Centuries of calculating the speed of the outer and inner circle in motion

A doughnut or a bagel perpetually rolling

Until it splashed into a sea of coffee and became a lifesaver

From the Antarctic to Mozambique 

Humans leak, drip, sputter

Vastly classified secrets 

From murder to espionage to gossip

Impossible to be covered up by leakproof diapers carrying manly names such as

Confidence, Faith, or Certainty

(Whereas Niagara, Yosemite, Congo, Euphrates or Mississippi would 

Better fit into the Aristotelian dialectic) 

"A few leaks is virtuous still, eternum."

When Lisa Nowak drove 900 miles to attack Coleen Shipman

The former astronaut donned such leakproof diapers

Labeled "Challenger"

She succeeded in pepper-spraying her rival lover

Only her career from then on spiralled 

And all her achievements spilled down the drain.

We love leaks, whether romantique or politique

They often reveal a doublespeak

Classified intel is hoarded by a former President 

Like a child hoarding its favourite toys

"Hey boys, this Intel gotta spice Zombies in Kentucky"

Said the former 21 year old Massachusetts Airmen 

His Thug Shaker Central gaming group of teenagers were impressed with info

That would make Julian Assange drool. 

This group of teens splished in a puddle of secrete documents and 

Innocuously sploshed the intel around the globe.

Just another leak, you say?

Nothing as serious as Watergate, Irangate, and Partygate

Ever see virtual Zombies running around Kentucky that could never be killed?

Hey, Aristotle, has anyone got a diaper?

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Digital Nursury Rhyme

For the want of a battery

A remote control was lost

For the want of an ipencil

An iPad was lost

For the want of an USB shtick

A computer was lost

For the want of an Austin Martin

A driver was lost

For the want of a Dictator

A Democracy was lost

And all for the want of 

A microchip factory.