Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Whooze


After travelling high and low -an Alpine adventure

I've got the shot 

I've got the whooze

The feeling goes down to my shoes

For weeks I was less than enthused

As politicians tried to defuse the potential

Side-effects of this and that vaccine.

My whooziness  reveals

The truth about my Covid arm 

Is it is sore, a wound, a contusion

Only under this iceberg of sore lies

Billons of human cells 

That switched to a manufacturing center

An mRNA production facility that on a molecular level spreads

Over a larger surface than all Amazon warehouses put together.

Today it is not only my body readying for a Corona foul play

Around the  globe we see 

In Mexico next to a cactus, the vaccine is given to a Padre

In Iceland to a dancer at the local cabaret

And in Mongolia to a man who preferred to ignore his tooth decay.

As proteins race around my body

I am tempted to celebrate with some booze

To soothe the whooze -remember?

And that bruise

And hopefully soon end my days as a recluse

Or a hermit longing for a ticket anywhere on the horizon

Soon I shall stop mending buttons and socks

To finally reset Time on my clock

And rekindle connections

That today are fuzzy recollections.