I'm walking down a mountain stream
Cold waves milking over naked feet
In the horizon
A bridge
Reflects the color of the sky and
A tall, thin man
Standing like the letter A but with no shadow
Holds a red flower close to his chin
I approach him with difficulty
The stones make me wobble
I hold my stomach like some to check
If they are pregnant
The tall man turns and asks,
"Ih, ih, is my cake spongy enough
He stretched out his hand and gave me
An unfirm handshake and in the other handed me cake
"Libertus, you have freed me of the sponge cake!"
"Who are you" I cried, almost slipping off my rock
I am the ghost of Andrew Jackson,
Born in the kitchen in Rah, Raleigh, N.C. on
July 26th 1777.
Tis I who made a sponge cake for my mom, a cake she called
The Common Sponge Cake
Which later on inspired my ideas to advance the rights
of Common Caucasians
But that day, 3 months and 9 days after my birthday
The first time I got the courage to bake the Cake
I was so nervous from the revolutionary fighting
You could hear the sound of the musket shots ringing across the
Kitchen table (Carved from American maple and estimated on
Antique Roadshow action between $4,500 and $5,500)
"I suffered so many trepidations" he said "I undeliberately
Overwhipped the batter and
Mother scolded me for the cake being
Too spongy.
My punishment forbid me to sit for 3 days
After that for years I added extra walnuts
And my common Sponge Cake got so hard that
George Washington, once over for tea on April 29 1781,
Broke all his front teeth whilst biting into it!
Washington pulled his sword out in anger but
I quickly grabbed it from him and used it to stab the cake.
I Wheeled and whirled 'till it went flying onto the floor.
"Clean it up!" I cried to my slaves
But George never came back to my house from that day on."
Hearing such delightful takes from the A framed Jackson Ghost
Still teetering on a wooden bridge
Made my stomach grumble
Bidding him farewell
I left the forest expeditiously
Using my
Diligent GPS
I knew I could find a nearby store to buy
Cookies and Cream with a touch of Roundup
And as the ice cream dripped down my throat
I took the sponge cake that I had slid deep into my pocket
I took the sponge cake that I had slid deep into my pocket
And thinking of Andrew Jackson fuming over
his culinary missed exploits
I swallowed it in one go.
I swallowed it in one go.