Never shall I
Be thrown into despair
By a network malfunction
Or honey bees buzzing in the air
I listened
Motionless and still
Waving finger over screen
As if I had no will
Your texting mingles with the splendour
Of a youtube clip with a million hits
Your blue ray love stings my heart
A song ebbs and echoes in its chambers
Katty Perry, Dark Horse, hashatag, #never apart!
I cradle for a home with hot plums
Where a brash black crow
Eats a worm in front of Emily Dickenson
And then rows away in the sky
Today my emotions go toe to toe face-timing virtual foes
Face-timing until I'm faceless,
Over connected
A Teletubbie stuffed in the fast cycle of a dryer
With no wifi just whistling fi fi
And Spock who could forget the gifted Vulcan
Tribulating with Tribbles
That purr to get stroked
Spock ain't no dope
He never played with magic
Tribbles were hybrids
Tribbles multiplied and got stoked
I got a trophy tweet
From my homeboy wearing a straw hat
In the shadow of a pumpkin field
Says he’ll get me a chip and an app for my
Birthday all weighing less than a gram
And I should come as I am
I chuck my new trending
Gaza Strip loafers
Into my River Island vintage bag
Knowing I can move faster in my sneaks
But at the door I pivot and spin
My battery is down
Gotta recharge
Texting “Recharge”
My nail speeds over the keys
And it has the texture of a butterfly on it.