August 11, 2011
Flatbush and Atlantic Avenue
22nd floor near the Watchtower
It’s 6pm
The call for prayer intermingles with
Tom Carvel’s call for soft ice cream
2 Presidential copters scream over the horizon and
Air molecules containing 76% humidity bounce off
Manhattan walls
In a new fangled apartment a space age compost contraption
Foments trashy fermentation as
DSK rests in Tribeca awaiting his infamous trail
High above the Brooklyn chatter
Above the swapping of credit cards and
Chiropractoring of sore bones
Our friend’s black l8 pound virus-infected
Turkey-like cat
Sneezes projecting a white tender booger 32 inches
That makes a splash in the inflatable Jacuzzi
We watch it disappear under the bubbles
This is a time warp of long lost friends:
We sip on cold cocktails
And catch up on bygone follies over the years
As if not a minute had transpired.
*Kiss or kici in Hungarian means small.